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Farm To Smiles
Farm To Smiles

Proudly growing potatoes on over
 100 farms across North America

At Lay’s, we believe a little bit of golden goodness from
each Lay’s farm goes into every potato we grow.

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Grown closer than you Think. There's never a dull day on a Lay's farm.

Meet the Farmers

  • Singleton & Sons Farms  

    Hastings, FL

    Farming runs deep in the Singleton family. As a proud third-generation farm, Singleton & Sons Farms has been partnering with Lays since 1981. Today, the newest generation is dedicated to sharing their knowledge and educating others about sustainable farming practices.

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  • Heartland Farms Inc.  

    Hancock, WI

    Since 1873, Heartland Farms has been rooted in innovation. In 1984, they even teamed up with NASA to use satellite tech for monitoring plant growth. Partnering with Frito-Lay, they developed cutting-edge technology to pick the perfect potatoes for Lays chips—farming meets futuristic tech!

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  • Parker Produce  

    Elkton, FL

    Parker Produce and Frito-Lay share a passion for sustainability! And together, they optimized water usage and introduced advanced irrigation and drainage systems—cutting water consumption by 50%. Hand in hand, theyre proving that innovation and sustainability go hand in hand!

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  • Jones Potato Farm  

    Parrish, FL

    Since 1960, the Jones Family has proudly grown potatoes for Frito-Lay. Now, the next generation is leading the way with cutting-edge irrigation techniques, producing top-quality potatoes while using less water—farming smarter every day!

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  • CP & Wesley Smith Inc.  

    Hastings, FL

    For 37 years, Smith Farms has proudly partnered with Frito-Lay, using biotech to grow resilient potatoes, optimize resources, and nurture the land—all while inspiring their community through sustainable farming!

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  • Singleton & Sons Farms
  • Heartland Farms Inc.
  • Parker Produce
  • Jones Potato Farm
  • CP & Wesley Smith Inc.

Explore the Lay's of the Land

Every bag of Lay's Potato Chips is made from our very own chip-perfecting potatoes grown on over 100 farms.

*Canadian farms shown provide potatoes for Lay's US production. For more info about Lay’s in Canada, visit

Lay's profoundly supports America's farmers. Through funding from PepsiCo and the PepsiCo Foundation,

we've committed $1 million

to support future farmers and agricultural leaders in partnership with the nonprofit, Farm Foundation. Farm Foundation's vision is to build a future for farmers, our communities, and our world.

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